139,00 €
Virtual Tube Collection ti porta nella tua control room Vintage virtuale. Nella fase di sviluppo di questo software eccezionale, Slate Digital ha impiegato più di un anno selezionando a mano e modellando meticolosamente una grande quantità di Preamp valvolari, amplificatori di linea e console. Il risultato, VTC, offre 3 Plugins per il Virtual Mix Rack che ricreano il suono di questi classici circuiti valvolari. Con Virtual Tube Collection potrai aggiungere calore, profondità, colorazione e VIBE ai tuoi Mix e Master. Inoltre se utilizzi il Virtual Microphone System, potrai usare i Preamp del VTC con i tuoi microfoni SLATE per un suono ricco e vibrante nella modellazione microfonica.
Questo prodotto richiede una chiavetta iLok per l’autorizzazione della licenza, acquistabile separatamente.
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The Slate Digital VIRTUAL TUBE COLLECTION is a set of three plugins for Virtual Mix Rack that recreate the sound of classic vintage tube circuits. Each module can act as a preamp, a saturator, and even a virtual tube summing console. Using VTC, you can add color, warmth, depth, and vibe to your mixes and masters. VMS users can also use VTC preamps with the microphone models for rich and vibey tone on their tracks.
London is inspired by some vintage tube circuits originating from Europe. The sound is big, warm and bold in the lows and low mids, and slightly smooth in the top end. The transient response has a slight thickness to it without being overly aggressive. London sounds amazing for fattening up tracks in preamp mode, or thickening things up with it’s preamp saturation, and can add fat analog body in Console mode on the whole mix.
New York is inspired by some vintage tube circuits with a hint of inspiration from some New York solid state discrete circuits to give it some tightness and impact. New York is aggressive in the mids, and tighter in the lows due its unique dynamic harmonic saturation. It can add incredible focus and punch to tracks in preamp mode, especially in boost mode. It’s also an all around winner for many genres in console mode when used on the master fader. You really dial in the saturation with New York and then find the perfect blend with the mix knob.
Hollywood is perhaps the most colorful of the three modules, and it’s got some beautiful air, depth, excitement, and some really big bottom! Use it on boost mode and make your tracks come alive. It’s fantastic when paired with some of the vintage VMS mics to add some extra top end flavor and warm lows. In console mode, it can simply transform a lifeless mix into something larger than life.
- Use Preamp with Boost across tracks to add vibe and color and remove digital cleanliness.
- Use Console as first insert on mixbuss with a bit of saturation to add weight, glue, and analog color to whole mix.
- Use Preamp or Console saturation on drums, vocals, guitar and keys.
- Use Preamp distortion with mix knob to add thickness and warmth to tracks like vocals, snare, toms, drum buss, or even whole mix.
- Use Console saturation in mastering chain to reduce peaks in a warm and punchy way.
Minimum System Requirements:
Quad Core i5 Processor
4GB of RAM
Mac OS X 10.7 or Later
Windows 7 & Above
iLok 2 or 3 Required
Recommended System Requirements:
Quad Core i7 Processor
8GB of RAM
Mac OS X 10.9 or Later
Windows 7 & Above
iLok 2 or 3 Required
Supported Plugin Formats:
Intel Mac 32bit: VST2, VST3, AU, AAX
Intel Mac 64bit: VST2, VST3, AU, AAX
Windows 32bit: VST2, VST3, AAX
Windows 64bit: VST2, VST3, AAX
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